YMS 411AP: Clinical Practicum - Faculty mentoring with No Residency (0:3 Credits)


Students are expected to do Practicum delivery for a minimum of 180 hours. This is in two portions:

  • Deliver a minimum of 150 clinical hours independently as lead Yoga Therapist.
  • Complete 30 hours practicum mentorship.

Requirements are below:

  • Students find clients on their own. 
  • Students deliver Yoga Therapy to 4-6 clients, each with different primary ailments.
  • Each Student as a lead therapist delivers 150 hrs. of Yoga Therapy according to the followingguidelines: 
    • At least 100 hours are technique delivery/monitored practice hours .
    • Remaining hours are a combination of client intake, counseling, review, and course correction. 
    • At least 3 and no more than 5 clients. 
    • No less than 15 hrs of engagement with each client.
    • For each client, no more than 4 months elapsed time between client intake and completion of therapy.
  • Yoga therapy sessions are strongly recommended to be done in person. 
  • Students have to submit report for each client as approved by VaYU faculty. 
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Students will be mentored by VaYU course faculty for 30 hours during the whole process.

  • This would start from client intake, review of the protocol/assessments, necessary guidance for course corrections, interim review/monitoring during live sessions, speaking with clients, review of the final report and overall assessment.
  • A formal plan should be submitted by the student to the VaYU Faculty with timeline, start/end dates. VaYU Faculty signs off on the plan before the student begins the therapy sessions.
  • This course will be run via VaYU LMS as any VaYU Course with deadlines.