Tuition and Aid

Tuition Fees, Schedule, and Financial Aid


Financial Aid

VaYU currently does not offer any substantial financial aid. However, VaYU is constantly pursuing donors to provide Scholarships funds. When VaYU provides scholarships, they  will be in the form of 'Work Study.'

Presently, VaYU does not offer any student loans - neither US governmental nor private loans.

Work, Study and Earn Scholarships

VaYU believes that students receiving scholarships should provide services back to the University to encourage a sense of responsibility and the feeling of earning their way through the program. Furthermore, it enhances multiple career-enhancing skills for the graduate students.

A. Scholarship Qualification of Applicants

  1. Applicants should be registered in the current semester for VaYU Graduate Program with a full course load for the Semester.
  2. New incoming students are eligible after the first semester results are available.
  3. Selection criteria are a combination of university needs, recommendations, qualifications, talent, etc.


B. Work Study Responsibilities

  1. Students will be employed by the University to do certain tasks in return for a 'Work Study' wage.
  2. Tasks could include working as a Teaching or Research Assistant, Grader, Admin tasks (office, marketing, ...), etc.
  3. The Registrar's Office runs this program matching available Work Study tasks with Students' talent.
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Tuition Obligations

A student may not be granted, nor receive any degree or transcript, until all unpaid financial accounts, current or delinquent, have been satisfied. This includes tuition and all library or other fees owed to VaYU. Any degree will be retained and not released by VaYU until such obligations are satisfied.

Financial Loan

VaYU does not participate in federal and state financial aid programs or provide financial aid. If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the monies not paid from federal student financial aid program funds. If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the monies not paid from federal financial aid funds.

VaYU gives out limited 'Work Study' Financial aid.