Graduate Yoga Courses

Semester 1

Semester 1 - 9 Credits

YMS 101T: Basis of Yoga Therapy [2:0 Credits]

Basis of yoga therapy explores the therapeutic basis of yoga through the study of ancient (The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Vasishtha), Hatha Yoga writings from the middle ages (Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika), and in other systems of Indian Medicine.

This course is waived for (a) RYT 300/500 certificate holders with VaYU Bridge Course YBC 101P, or (b) SVYASA certified YIC holders.

Prerequisites: None

YMS 102T: Samskritam [2:0 Credits]
YMS 103T: Ancient Yoga Texts – 1 [2:0 Credits]
YMS 104P: Preparatory Practices, Asanas, Kriyas, Mudras, Pranayama and Meditation [0:3 Credits]