Guided By VaYU Faculty

Master's Theses, June 2023
  1. Effect of Trataka (Yogic Visual Practices) on Reducing Visual Strain and Improving Concentration in Adults using Tele-Yoga
    Student : Dr. Rajni Garg
    Guide(s): Dr. Manjunath Sharma, Dr. P.S. Swathi, Dr. TS Sreekumar
  2. Influence Of An Integrated Yoga Module On The Levels Of Perceived Stress And Anxiety Scores In Students And Working Professionals
    Student: Vandana Pathak
    Guide(s): Dr. Manjunath Sharma, Dr. Vijaya Majumdar, Dr. TS Sreekumar
  3. Does Yoga Reduce Anxiety And Increase A Sense Of Purpose In Life?
    Student: Eddie Stern
    Guide(s): Dr.Raghavendra Bhat, Dr.Manjunath Sharma, Dr.TS Sreekumar
PhD Thesis (Top 10)
Master's Theses