I, Dr. Krishna, have completed my B.Sc. M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Yoga from Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samasthana (S-VYASA) Yoga University, Bangalore. My Ph.D. thesis title is “Changes in Cortical and
Autonomic Activities During Heartfulness Meditation: A Cross-Sectional with Immediate Effect Study”. I have also carried out an individual research project during my postgraduation program titled “Yoga-Based Relaxation Technique Facilitates Sustained Attention in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study”. I have explored the beneficial effects of yoga and meditation practices on mental health and brain functions using electrophysiological and neuroimaging techniques including fNIRS EEG, TCD, ECG, and so on. I have more than five years of research experience in the cognitive neuroscience lab, S-VYASA Bangalore, and worked on the entitled “Exploring the Yoga Benefits of Cognitive Improvement and Metabolic Mediator of Neuro-Endocrine Biomarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes” project funded by AYUSH, Govt. of India and “Heartfulness Meditation” project funded by Heartfulness Institute, Bangalore. I have published more than twenty research articles and four chapters/general articles. I have guided several postgraduate students in their research work. I am guiding Ten master's students and two Ph.D. scholars. I am a reviewer of several journals including Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Public Health, Journal of Advances in Consciousness Studies, and International Journal of Yoga. Currently, I am working at S-VYASA University, Bengaluru, India, as an Assistant Professor and my research work involves exploring the neurophysiology and psychophysiology of various yoga practices.