Vivekananda Yoga University (VaYU) has applied for Eligibility with the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). WSCUC has reviewed the application and determined that Vivekananda Yoga University is eligible to proceed with an application for Initial Accreditation. A determination of Eligibility is not a formal status with WSCUC, nor does it ensure eventual accreditation; it is a preliminary finding that the institution is potentially accreditable and can proceed to be reviewed for Initial Accreditation with WSCUC. The first visit for achieving Initial Accreditation must take place within five years of being granted Eligibility. Questions about Eligibility may be directed to the institution or to WSCUC at or at 510-748-9001.

In October of 2022, VaYU formally submitted a 'Letter of Intent to Apply for Accreditation' accepted by WASC. A WASC 'Seeking Accreditation Visit 1,' in September 2023 identified that VaYU has satisfied 28 of the 39 criteria to the level of “Candidacy”. The remaining 11 criteria will be evaluated at 'Seeking Accreditation Visit 2,’ in April 2025.